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Mambukal Mountain Resort

Tucked away in the mountains is this beautiful mountain resort. Driving time from Bacolod varies between 40 and 90 minutes depending on the chosen mode of transport (e.g. private car vs. regional bus, that stops whenever there is a slight chance for letting one more passenger hop on board or onto the roof). We had a private car going up – thank you Mario!! – and the regional bus  coming down). While “Mountain Resort” sounds tranquil and peaceful, it also attracts many young people, who are looking for a nice place to hang out, barbecue and party. So there is something for everyone! We opted for the magnificent hike to the 7 waterfalls (approx. 3 hrs incl. return). A b s o l u t e l y   b e a u t i f u l ! And afterwards a dip in the hot sulfur springs to relax and unwind!

Mambukal, 7 falls hike

Mambukal, 7 falls hike