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Honda Bay island hopping

Expect a 45 minute ride from Puerto Princesa – and while there are lots of tour operators offering day packages, this one is reasonable to self-organize! We were in the lucky position to enjoy a private “Jeepney” ride there and back with friends. But you can also take a regular Jeepney or tricycle. Just ask a local what a fair rate is for either transport device. Arriving early (not later than 7:30AM) is key to charter a boat for the day (1.500PHP for 6 pax – which is approx. 30EUR – with each additional pax costing 250PHP). Also don´t forget the environmental fee (40PHP/person) and the entrance fees for the individual islands (per person): Cowrie Island 75PHP, Pandan Island 800PHP, Starfish Island 50PHP, Luli Island 60PHP, Pambato Reef 50PHP. We enjoyed a nice lunch buffet for 200PHP/person at Cowrie Island. Some of the islands we found more suitable for beach fun and just being in the water (Cowrie and Luli), others better for snorkeling (Starfish, Pambato). Pandan we skipped, as we were not sure if the 10-fold entry fee was worthwhile or not. And make sure you have enough sun screen and drinking water available!!

Honda Bay, island hopping

Island hopping, Honda Bay


Waihi Beach

A 2 hour drive north from Taupo. Beautiful Waihi Beach! Campsite in walking distance. Why are we never getting tired of taking a walk along the beach?

Waihi Beach

Waihi Beach

Hot Water Beach

Only in New Zealand, only at Hot Water Beach: Build your own hot water pool with a small shovel. But not every spot works. We had dug a beautiful little pool for ourselves, it just wasn´t hot. So we retried a couple of meters to the left and voilà! Our own little spa. Oh, and make sure you come during low-tide, otherwise you can´t reach the hot spots. And be there early enough, too, otherwise all the good spots are taken!

Hot Water Beach, Coromandel Peninsula

Hot Water Beach, Coromandel Peninsula

Hahei Beach, the Coromandel Coast and Cathedral Cove

Cathedral Cove is a landmark and must-visit on the Coromandel Peninsula. Go to Hahei (just a couple of kilometers north from Hot Water Beach), hike from Hahei Beach to Cathedral Cove and be mesmerized, all the way through by the coastline. And then of course Cathedral Cove: Water, wind and erosion have done their work and have left us with some awesome beauty there!

Cathedral Cove, Coromandel Peninsula

Cathedral Cove, Coromandel Peninsula



Turning our Landcruiser into a Sandcruiser

Fraser Island. One reason for us having taken the first barge at 6AM was to have enough driving time on both sides of low-tide. Being familiar with the tidal times (amongst other things) is crucial, as some beach passages may otherwise be impassable. From Hook Point we drive up the Eastern Beach for approx. 2 hours, get to witness an amazing sunrise, cross several creeks, stop alongside the renowned shipwreck Maheno and safely make it to our campsite (Cathedrals on Fraser).

Driving up the Eastern Beach (75-mile-beach), Fraser Island

Driving up the Eastern Beach (75-mile-beach), Fraser Island




Fraser magic

In the last couple of days we were able to do several day trips to see red canyons, yellow pinnacles, colourful sand dunes, endless beaches, an old shipwreck, champagne pools, freshwater lakes, rainforests, large kauri trees, banksia woodlands, eucalyptus forests, Dingo footprints, different bird species, remote inland tracks, creeks, spiders and much more. You are welcome to take a look at the photography section. Not having had internet nor telephone reception the whole time strangely did not bother us at all.

Northern forests scenic drive: where the fire stopped, Fraser Island

Northern forests scenic drive: where the fire stopped, Fraser Island

Back to the mainland

Time to say good-bye to Fraser Island. So we head back down the Eastern Beach, this time in a southern direction, take the barge to the mainland and – after having adjusted tyre pressure back to normal road requirements – drive further on to Hervey Bay (approx. 2h 45min from Rainbow Beach).

Driving south towards the barge pickup point, Fraser Island

Driving south towards the barge pickup point, Fraser Island

Whitehaven Beach

It is the third most photographed spot in Australia – after the Sydney Opera House and Ayers Rock (Uluru). We “ocean-rafted” across to Whitehaven Beach on Whitsunday Island to experience the magic first hand. The sand is made up of silica, which gives it its white colour. It also prevents the sand from getting hot! How cool is that? You can´t burn your feet walking on the sand! That however also means, that it is not suitable for turtles to lay their eggs here, because the silica sand does not provide high enough temperatures to enable young turtles to hatch.

Whitehaven Beach from Hill Inlet viewpoint, Whitsunday Island

Whitehaven Beach from Hill Inlet viewpoint, Whitsunday Island


The alternative for people who can´t surf: boogie boarding

by wolf 0 Comments

Torquay usually attracts lots of surfers to famous Bells Beach. But you don´t have to be a surfer to enjoy Torquay. Just get a boogie board and you don´t have to worry about falling of any surfboard. Just enjoy the ride! Anything else required? Ah yes, sunshine and waves. The former was supplied by the Australian summer, the latter by Jan Juc Beach.

Boogie boarding fun, Jan Juc Beach near Torquay