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Honda Bay island hopping

Expect a 45 minute ride from Puerto Princesa – and while there are lots of tour operators offering day packages, this one is reasonable to self-organize! We were in the lucky position to enjoy a private “Jeepney” ride there and back with friends. But you can also take a regular Jeepney or tricycle. Just ask a local what a fair rate is for either transport device. Arriving early (not later than 7:30AM) is key to charter a boat for the day (1.500PHP for 6 pax – which is approx. 30EUR – with each additional pax costing 250PHP). Also don´t forget the environmental fee (40PHP/person) and the entrance fees for the individual islands (per person): Cowrie Island 75PHP, Pandan Island 800PHP, Starfish Island 50PHP, Luli Island 60PHP, Pambato Reef 50PHP. We enjoyed a nice lunch buffet for 200PHP/person at Cowrie Island. Some of the islands we found more suitable for beach fun and just being in the water (Cowrie and Luli), others better for snorkeling (Starfish, Pambato). Pandan we skipped, as we were not sure if the 10-fold entry fee was worthwhile or not. And make sure you have enough sun screen and drinking water available!!

Honda Bay, island hopping

Island hopping, Honda Bay


Bay of Islands

A magical day on a sailing boat. Perfect weather. Dolphins. Nice crew. Nice fellow travellers. Snorkeling. Kayaking. Setting foot on an uninhabited island for a small exploration. Can someone please pinch me? We seem to have been thrown into a dream. Thankfully a very nice one.

And by the way, whoever came up with the saying “the grass is always greener on the other side” obviously has never been to New Zealand. Their grass is greener – always!! There is no other side!!

Bay of Islands, anchoring in a hidden bay

Bay of Islands, anchoring in a hidden bay

Coral overload

by wolf 0 Comments

Somehow everything was aligned perfectly. The clarity of ocean water is influenced by a myriad of factors: currents, tides, moon phase, temperature, wind and weather are just some of them. On the day we had chosen to go out to the reef they simply all came together to create crystal clear water conditions. The snorkeling was out of this world, the coral and its colours simply incredible. And we haven´t even talked about the fish yet.

Colourful hard coral, Great Barrier Reef

Colourful hard coral at Moore Reef, part of the Great Barrier Reef